Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Some Words I Learned While Masturbating In Front of the Mirror

Cockaigne =%$+#
malaprop =%3@
rectitude =%3!
undergird =%^3(
vermicular =%4)
sylph =%$0-
inspissate =%^3|
chawbacon =%^3#
kakistocracy =%5`
Panglossian =%$4\
henbane =%+[
adjuvant =%^3]
edulcorate =%^4<
vulnerary =%4)
Ruritanian =%$5!
brummagen =%3>
haptic =%$+[
fey =%0/
bloviate =%3>

% words
^ words beginning with vowels
0 one syllable word(s)
+ two syllable word(s)
3 three syllable word(s)
4 four syllable word(s)
5 five syllable word(s)
6 six syllable word(s) NA
# word(s) beginning with the letter 'C'
@ word(s) beginning with the letter 'M'
! word(s) beginning with the letter 'R'
( word(s) beginning with the letter 'U'
) word(s) beginning with the letter 'V'
- word(s) beginning with the letter 'S'
| word(s) beginning with the letter 'I'
` word(s) beginning with the letter 'K'
\ word(s) beginning with the letter 'P'
[ word(s) beginning with the letter 'H'
] word(s) beginning with the letter 'A'
< word(s) beginning with the letter 'E'
> word(s) beginning with the letter 'B'
/ word(s) beginning with the letter 'F'
$ words chosen by Friedrich, Constable, Turner, Blake
= words I don't know

Nabokov, pivoting his foot for the waltz, exsanguinates--

"Existence is a series of footnotes to a vast, obscure, unfinished masterpiece."


iff said...

jesus. the hallarity.

james davis said...

It's "brummagem."